I have decided to embark on this bizarre adventure where I will blog about 30 dates with 30 different "Knights".I think my dating life has definitely been more interesting than fiction and maybe getting out there is what I need to do to get back into the "dating" scene. Hopefully blogging about it will add some levity and fun and even if it all is a bust, I should have some pretty interesting stories!
I have found in the recent past that I have said that I was going to try to get out and start dating and well, when you work nights, have a growing business and an amazing extended circle of friends, you find that dating takes a back seat to all of the other wonderful things in your life.
I had always said that I thought it would be fun to do a dating blog . . .I have had such unique dating experiences, I thought perhaps recording them would be a good way to learn more about myself and document all the fun/not so fun experiences I had with each new potential partner. Plus, the idea of fancying myself the Candace Bushnell of the 2000s did appeal to my ego :) I had always been regarded as the "Samantha" of the group so who better to "take one for the team" than me with this odd adventure!
I had intended to start this blog over the "2012 - Summer of Not Suck" (as we were referring to this past summer; well most of it) when my single-hood was running full tilt. The girlfriends and I were having a blast, I was loving life and we all thought it would be a great point for me to start thinking about dating again. It had been nearly three years since I had a "serious" boyfriend and well, why not! My one bestie Kristina thought is was a great idea and everyone else thought I was just the nuts enough candidate to do this date and blogging thing. So, with their love and support I got myself a online dating site page, put up a profile and put my lure in the water on Plenty of Fish.
Alas, no sooner did I do this, I unsuspectedly met someone and that was the end of the dating blog idea. . . well, for a few weeks. He and I ended up having had a hot and heavy "drive by" relationship that ended abruptly and then I spent Labor Day weekend, knee deep in bottles of Pinot Grigio, Stoli, tissues and sappy girly movies wondering WTF happened?
When you are trying to get over your last relationship that left you wondering about yourself, life and "how the hell do I pick these people?", you find yourself trying new approaches and ways to find answers to the age old question: is there really someone out there for me. I know I am at a place where I would be a good candidate for a relationship. . . why am I not meeting the other half that is?
If you are me you look at life like this: everything comes down to gathering as much information as you can about a situation, making determinations and then proceeding with a plan based upon your research and determinations. It is what has made me successful in business and I figured, hey why not apply it to my personal life.
So now it was time to get out there and doing this "field research" if you will.
I am committing myself to truly getting out there and going on 30 dates. I don't think that I am looking for a partner per se, but am quietly hoping that the law of averages works in my favor. I had intended on doing the whole project in 30 days, but felt that it would turn into more of a job than a fun endeavor and how could I be my wonderful, charming self if I was suffering dating fatigue?
I also thought that if I committed to blogging about this adventure, it would give me another important part of research. How did I really feel about this person when I met them, what were the qualities that I liked in them, what about our dates did I like and how did I know if there was chemistry. I had also resigned that, at worst, the whole thing would be a bust and we could all laugh at my expense for pretty much. . ..forever.
Now let me preface this by saying. . .The intent of this is not to humiliate anyone (well, potentially other than me). This blog is merely to put together a running history of my dating adventure. My friend Dave (THANKS DAVE) came up with the 30 Knights name and this gave me a great way to protect the anonymity of those I went out with. Some would know that this was an adventure for me, however, most would have no idea. I put together a criteria for the dates, who I would go out with and certain rules I would have to abide by. So. . . with that said, stay tuned for the first of the 30 dates!
I know that there have been a number of wacky dates and it's been a while since I had a date where I didn't wonder why I was doing this. Fortunately for me, this Knight was a breath of fresh air. It's an odd start to a good story. . .here we go. I bartend a few nights a week at a restaurant that is uber close to three universities. Due to this fact, on any given Friday night I marvel and enjoy the spectacle of college kids in the "we are allowed to drink finally" ritual. This event of binge drinking followed by hysterical shenanigans give the staff a great laugh and bring me back to my college days when throwing up in the bathroom and then continuing on with your night of boozing was par for the course.
One of the other things that I marvel at concerning these kids is how young they look. When I was in high school the Senior boys had five o'clock shadows before lunch and both the men and women looked like they were thirty when they graduated. I find that the college students that come in to my restaurant now are Beiberesque in their youthful charm. Even the 21 year olds look like they are twelve and generally once a night I am stunned by what a 23 year old man or woman looks like. I must be getting old.
The Friday night I am about to relay started out as most do. You have your happy hour crowd, followed by the dinner crowd, followed by the band crowd, followed by those who are making one last rally on the way back to their dorm. This particular evening we are somewhere between the band crowd and the last hurrah group.
I realize this bar is different from the bar I speak of but the crowd pretty much looks just as energized.
By this point in the night, this place is a mad house. The bar is full, the tables are packed and it's standing room only. As I navigate through the crowd I am frequently reminded of re living my birth, and the phrase "excuse me" goes from a request, to a demand. If I am serving the bar tables I am generally just dropping drinks and running around in my "orbit", (as I like to refer to it) as I circumvent the bar. I don't generally see people. What I see are near empty drinks, empty drinks, or people flagging me down for drinks. I am in work mode: I am a machine.
Three glasses of Pinot Grigio, two shots of Jack, four Blue Moons and a partridge in a pear tree. I got it all in my noggin till I report back to the computer to ring it in, pick it up and drop it off. Repeat. That's my night. It's invigorating, frustrating, fast-paced and fun.
Periodically I have a quick chat with the other server to make sure that we are all OK and if I am lucky, I get to say a few words to the servers on the dining side of the restaurant while standing at the service station. This particular time we were standing there one of the servers had asked me if I had carded one of the guys at the table behind us. I card everyone. I do with style and grace by telling people I have to "card everyone who doesn't look old enough to be my Mother/Father." I find this curries favor with those who are otherwise offended by my ask. . .and you do get more with sugar than vinegar.
I tell my fellow server that, I had, in fact, carded the table and knew that they were not only 21 but all 22 and older. We remarked at how young looking they were for their age, and then I dashed off to drop off my laundry list of drinks. Turns out I was headed to this very table.
I cruised over, smiled, and dropped off their drinks. One of the five graciously took the glasses that were empty and passed them along the end of the table and smiled at me as he did so. He had a boyish charm when he smiled at me. I smiled back. I recalled carding him. He was 23. I gathered the empty glasses, thanked him, and scurried off to the next table.
A short while later I was back at the table and they were asking for shots. I brought a round of shots to them and then as per my orbit, picked them back up upon my return. Again, this kid put all the glasses together and passed them back to me, making sure to make eye contact with me. Again, I smiled, thanked him and took the glasses. As I took them off the table he quietly whispered to me "you know you're a beautiful girl." I smiled at him, turned fifty shades of red, thanked him for his kind words, and scurried away again. Clearly this man has been drinking.
A while later I was coming past again I noticed some empty glasses and stopped to pick them up. This time, the gentleman that had been passing the glasses was sitting at the table alone among a number of empty glasses and chairs. I turned and remarked to him, "What happened to your friends?" He looked at me and he said "I waited behind after they left because I wanted to get your number." I was stunned. This never happens.
I looked at him and recalling his age I leveled with him. "Look. I think that that's super sweet but if you knew how old I was, I am sure you wouldn't be interested."
He looked at me quizzically.
"I am going to be thirty five next year," I responded feeling my wrinkles multiply as I said it.
Looking unfazed, he asked again "so now can I get your number?"
"I think you have had a bit too much to drink. . . Thank you for flattering me but I don't think I should be giving customers my number."
I liked this persistence, and he was super cute. Blond hair, blue eyes, broad shoulders and a bigger build. He looked like he could be a some sort of athlete, and I wondered what? But wait. No. Too young Chris. Keep moving.
While I was having some internal debate between whether I was a cougar, puma or just fatigued from a long night at work, he was scribbling something on a piece of paper.
"Here you go," as he handed me his number. "This is my number so you can call me and have me take you out."
Here was this 23 year old kid channeling the phrase I would have killed to hear from a man my age. As to not be the talk of the staff that night, I took the number from him and squirreled it away in my pocket vowing that despite my taking it I was not going to use it.
He wished me good night and then departed out the back door. What was I going to do with this number? He was a customer, too young, and a laundry list of other reasons why this was a bad idea. I continued on with my night of bussing, dropping, filling and re filling and then ultimately cleaning and heading home. When I got home and was emptying my pockets I found his number. Not sure what to do with the number, I put it on my foyer table and starred at it. Like the frigging number was going to give me an answer.
The number sat on my foyer table for two weeks.
Now a fortnight later I am working at my job, per my usual schedule. I've been buzzing around the busy bar all night taking my inventory of empty and full glasses. I happen to see a table get seated off on the other side of the bar so I begin to head over to get a drink order. As I get closer I can now see it is the gentleman from earlier in the month who had left his phone number. Crap. Now what. I never called. Akward!
I am just going to glaze over this.
"I can do my job, make like I am busy and just pretend like I don't even notice he's there. I am sure he won't say anything," I nervously think to myself. I begin to breeze by the table and I feel someone touch my arm.
"Oh NO!" I know it's him.
"You never called me," I hear him say.
I turn to look at him. He looks at me inquisitively. He IS a good looking guy. . .
"Oh, yeah. I just figured you had a bit to drink and your friends put you up to it. Ha ha," I laugh nervously.
"I wasn't drunk. I remember everything. My friends didn't put me up to it. I stayed behind to give it to you. I came back to see what happened that you didn't call."
Take a dagger and put it right through my heart.
We continued on with this awkward dance back and forth of why I didn't call and since I am a crap liar, the conversation is tanking. He gives me a playful hard time about my not calling and I tell him I have to scurry back to work. This guy is persistent, and cute. . .even if I could have babysat for him.
I sidebar with my colleagues. Thank God I work with some of my closest girlfriends! I express to them that I am not sure what to do, but I am now leaning towards acquiescing to his request. They agree he's too young, but why not. He did have the balls to give me his number and then RETURN to my place of work to give me a hard time about not calling him in a sweet and tactful way. I don't run into men my own age that do this. Shit. What the hell. I have a blog and I need to think about single dating women everywhere. I am their representative!
Later that night as he is getting ready to leave I decide to throw caution to the wind and scribble my number on my guest check pad. I casually place it in a check presenter with his check and a note that says "If you are serious about wanting to hang out, you can call me." I drop the check presenter on his table and run away, nearly afraid to see what happens. I guess he paid his check and left because less than a half hour later I get a text message that he got my number and wants to know when is good to get together. Wow. I'm impressed.
We text back and forth and decide to meet after both of our respective jobs one night at Poor Herbies for drinks. I arrive first and end up sitting at the bar with one of my regular patrons sharing the story of who I am meeting and how we met. He's having a heck of a time giggling at me as to how this event has occurred and is more excited than I am to see this guy show up! When my Knight arrives, I excuse myself from my bar seat and move to a table in the dining room where he and I can talk privately.
I sit down across from him. He stands a bit taller than me, and is reminiscent of a swimmer I dated when I was a Junior in college. He has bright blue eyes and if he doesn't have a Norse background, I'll kick myself. He is clearly WAY younger than I am. I feel very Mrs. Robinsonesque and am not sure that this is exciting good, or exciting like when you have the police pulling you over. Dang.
He parks his Guinness across from my Pinot Grigio and we talk about work, the phone number passing debacle and what he's been up to.
I am immediately at ease with him. Maybe it's that we have the hospitality job in common. Maybe it's because he's been so warm to me to this point; who knows. All I know is that we sit down and started talking and didn't stop for hours. We spoke of his major, what he was looking to do with his degree and what made him choose the studies he did.
He was returning to college for the second time and felt he now had the determination to do the best he could to be successful. He shared that he had made some big life decisions in the past year that led him to be living back home. He was working towards his future and felt he was on a good path to accomplish his goals. I was continually impressed with his work ethic, determination and overall take on life. He was happy, friendly, polite, genuine and held a great conversation. He asked me about my work, travels, hobbies and my days with roller derby.
Part of this filled me with panic. I was connecting more with this guy than I had with men my own age. We had the most in common of ANY of the dates I had been on. How was this possible?
We were both in love with travel, humanitarian causes and boxing. We shared a love of wine, music and inappropriate jokes. Everything seemed great, but I was stuck on the age difference. He didn't care. Why did I so much? Should I? Hugh Hefner has probably never had this inner monologue. Why am I? This has been the best date I have been on so far. What do I make of this?
I chalk it up to a kid who just wanted to go out with Mrs. Robinson. I don't think he'll ask me out again. This was just a check box on the bucket list for him and well, it's been a lovely night for me, so whatevs.
We continue to talk right up until the bar gives last call. He realizes that the bar is packing it in and abruptly stops talking. I stop putting on my coat and ask if everything is ok. He smiles at me and tells me that he wanted to make sure that we were going to get together again. For the first time in all this madness, I say "Yes" and actually mean it!
As I have been doing this blog I found that the dates are getting more and more interesting. I don't know why that is, but the more mild mannered ones were definitely in the beginning of this endeavor. I have been writing of them out of sequence for both anonymity for the Knights and also so all the doozies aren't grouped together! At this point of the blog I have been on 11 of them I am finding out a few things. Many of these things came to light after going on a date with this Knight. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Knight came to me through the dating site. He had reached out to me and it took me nearly a week to get back to him. He seemed kind looking in his pictures. Bright blue eyes, tallish, sparkling smile, he looked fit and had friends in his pictures; always a good sign. His profile said he was in finance, spontaneous, laid back, and a bit sarcastic. I have to look and see if those qualities are on the sample profile page because I see those specific traits appear over and over on the this dating site where these guys describe themselves. Back to our Knight. . .
This man had messaged me to tell me he came across my profile and we seemed to have a lot in common. Always a plus. He asked if I would like to meet up with him sometime. He was living in my home town. I was worried he was someone I knew, who knew about the blog, and was just messing with me. As to not prolong the tomfoolery, I decided I would send along my phone number and ask him to text me. This way, we could speed up the meet up, and if I was getting the wool pulled over my eyes by some funny friend, I'd find out who it was sooner rather than later. Sidebar: The back and forth after the initial hello is always the largest investment of time I am finding. This period of qualifying can take up to a few weeks and well, I don't want be doing this into 2020. He began our texting adventure with me one evening by asking if I want to grab a drink. I happened to be home that night after work and figured sure; I can muster some energy to see who this mystery man is. After a chain of texts as to where to meet, he decided to back out because he had to get up early for work. I said, "No worries" and was happy to stay in my sweats and no make up. The following night brings the same text. "Do you want to go for a drink," he texts. I text that it's late this time and I am watching American Horror Story and he sends back a text asking if I want company. Hmmm.
I send him back, "I'm sorry. I don't invite strange men to my home." He replies, "I respect that, but I am always a gentleman." I come back with, "I am sure you are, but that remains to be seen." I find it odd that a man would want to come by so late at night and I am kind of put off because it feels creepy. I decide in order to further see if this guy is someone looking to meet someone to date, or if he is just DTF I will ask some qualifying questions. I definitely don't want to waste my time with some guy who is just looking to hook up with randoms; me included. "Are you looking for a dating situation or are you just looking to meet people?" I text. I figure that is a nice way of saying what is going through my mind. He says he is looking to build a friendship, and see where it goes. OK, cool; but you're still not coming to my home in the middle of the night. We agree via text to meet the following day for lunch before I have to go to work. You wanna be creepy with me, you get daylight.
He prefaces confirming the date with that he has a one year old's birthday to get to at 2:30pm that afternoon. I do a pre-emptive "I have to work at 3" whether or not I do. I'm finding that not only in business, but in life in general, you should ALWAYS have an exit strategy. We agree we should have a hard stop at 2pm to make it where we have to go.
We agree to meet at Urban Table, since I hear that they have brunch and I am always down for a good brunch I don't have to cook. We are due to meet at 12:30pm but we are both running late. By quarter to one I am parking and I arrive to find him waiting in the doorway. He's definitely a real man and not my friend pranking me. Oh well. He is just about my height in heels which makes him shorter in person than his online height. I am getting good at figuring this out as time goes by and also finding that people LIE LIKE DOGS about their height. He is dressed in a wool over coat, a button-up collared shirt and black leather shoes. His hair is shaved tightly to his head and I can't figure out if his pretty blue eyes are sparkly or are what we like to call crazy eyes. The sort that have that "I have heads in my fridge" look to them. I wonder if they are going to start rolling all over the place like on of my last dates. I guess we will find out soon enough! He looks wildly uncomfortable standing there waiting for me. As I walk towards him he realizes that I am the PoF prize for waiting in the breezeway of the restaurant. He walks towards me, hugs me and kisses me on the cheek hello and ushers me out the doorway onto the sidewalk. Odd. . I thought we were eating inside. It's cold. We are now standing outside and I am confused. Was there a problem with the restaurant? Did he have a family emergency and is canceling? Why am I not moving towards having brunch? He explains to me that there is going to be a 15 minute wait and we should go somewhere else. OK. He's being decisive. Great. "So where are we going?" I ask. He replies, "What do you think?" Ah, shit. Now I'm stuck planning this endeavor and my brain is still stuck on brunch. OK Manzella, switch gears. You're not getting brunch. Suck it up and pick a place because your ass is freezing. It now begins to snow. Yes. Snow. That mythic weather element that we have not hardly seen in 2012 in my parts of New Jersey. And today, because I have to walk to who-knows-where for Plan B lunch, it will choose to precipitate. Awesome.
I quickly choose the safe zone. "The Hopper?" I reply. "Eh," he sighs. He's so soft spoken I can hardly hear him. He's looking stressed now that we are not coming up with a place. I'm scrambling. I think to myself, "If I work tonight and only have time for one reasonable meal today where I can sit and eat it while it is hot, what the hell do I want." Eureka. A burger. (Sorry my vego friends. Sadly, given no decision making time, limited resources and what might be the only comfort to my lunch, I chose burger.)
I suggest that we walk to the Dublin Pub for a good burger. He agrees it's a good choice and we begin our walk. On our way we spoke about the traffic and parking, if we go out in Morristown often, and what we are up to later in the day . When we sit down he orders an iced tea and I have a club soda while we are reading the menu. I ask about his work and the daily commute, how he likes being a homeowner and other small talk. He talks at length about each of the questions I ask. He is soooooooooooo soft-spoken. I wonder if this lovely man has ever raised his voice a day in his life.
He seems very reserved. Very very reserved. There has been no profanity, no reference to any wild weekends and a lot of talk of work and his home. This is sweet, but I start to worry. I drop the f bomb more often than most people blink. I'm afraid I may frighten him if I do this. I've noticed that I have lowered my tone and I am now sort of whispering too when I talk to him. Weird. The waitress comes over and we each order burgers and Dt. Cokes. He asks about my job, what I do in my spare time, and of my recent travels to Ireland and Vegas. He listens to me intently as I share about my exploits. I thought I would like this quality in a date but I notice when I talk he stares at me in a way it just makes me feel uncomfortable. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's that icky feeling you have when someone you don't care to have staring at you is watching you.
Maybe I was boring the crap out of him and he had zoned out. Who knows? I just had this "Wow. This is sort of creepy" feeling every time it seemed he was "focusing" on what I was saying. I felt he was nearly piercing me with his stare! As the conversation went on I realized a few things. We share that we are Italian, have both visited Vegas and like red wine. But, that's kind of it. The further we talked I just felt like we were so different in what our interests were, how could this go anywhere. He liked to stay home and focus on work. I like to focus on working on traveling. He was a sweet man but we were like apples and orangataungs. I'm looking for peas and carrots.
Well que sera. We had a lovely burger, a nice chat and maybe we can stay in the friend zone. I look at my phone and realize that for us to be at our intended locations we will need to get the check and leave. I ask the waitress for the check and pull out money to pay for my food and drinks. He offers to pick up the check and I thank him. It was very gracious and I thought it was a very pleasant lunch getting to know him. I thought that perhaps at this point he felt the same. We will never know. In the last few moments before the waitress brought the check I looked out the window and looked up at the snow. I thought to myself, "it's all just so beautiful."I turned to him and very nonchalantly mentioned how "crazy is this global warming thing." I think he stopped dead with what he was doing and said something to the extent of "you don't believe that crap do you?"
I was startled. He sounded sour and biting. His inflection had changed. It nearly sounded like he had another tone of voice when he said it. I thought for a moment, perhaps, someone had walked by the table and just blurted out the prior statement. This couldn't be the same quiet, mild mannered man I had sat across from all this time? I was wrong. It WAS him. He was shaking his head and had a look of disgust on his face. "Oh, dear, no!" I thought to myself. Whether you believe in global warming or or not I don't care. I can agree to disagree. It's one of my strong suits. I happen to believe in global warming, the Mayan end of the calendar next week and marriage should be renewed every 7 years like a lease - if there is no apocalypse on the 21st. I digress.
I wasn't unhappy the he didn't believe in global warming. I was unhappy with the way that he belittled an opposing point of view and was so dismissive. Generally, I would have spoken up for the what I believed in and called him out on dismissing someone's dissenting view. Strangely, I refrained. I think it's because I am learning from this dating experiment when to say when. I just sat there and smiled and nodded politely. To fill the dead air that was slowly but surely filling our booth I mentioned something about "well at least we are going in the right direction with solar power." He scoffs at my comment. He tells me that it would take so much to convert all of our devices and machinery that we would require converted to get solar to work, it would be impossible. He believes in the "digging" for natural gas as he calls it. I've heard of this fracking, as it is called, and I am not a fan of this. Again. It's like someone is testing me to see if I will go all hippie on him. I sit quietly, smile and nod. As we get up to put our coats on, he continues on with the conversation. He tells me that if Obama hadn't spent all the money on "stupid social programs" there would be more money for pursuing natural gas in Alaska and other places. The little voice inside of me is now SCREAMING. He has just hit me with the trifecta. Insult my political views, bash nature and belittle opposing views. I still don't say a word. At this very moment I realize the thing that is magic about this whole episode is one thing: I have figured out the hustle. I don't have to call him, text him or see him ever again if I don't want to. Awesome. That soothes the inner voice that is now hoarse from the epic scream. No need to engage him. Just say goodbye. We depart the restaurant talking about our upcoming week. I have remained cool as a cucumber throughout the talk and walk. He has no idea that he has taken my inner values tree and shaken it to the very core. I am Chris' Zen Penguin Power-animal. I can weather any date now. Slide.
I wish him well with his afternoon birthday party. I depart across the street waving goodbye as my inner Zen Penguin flips him the bird.
I was going to post a blog about another date that I had
recently but this date was definitely material that I had to get on
paper ASAP. If you have been following the blog, you will recall that I mentioned that
there was a Persistent Knight. The following date recap is the date I had with him. The back
story needs to be shared so you can better appreciate exactly why this was just way too much. Let's start at the beginning if you will.
This Knight had started emailing within the first two weeks I was on the dating site. He would send messages without punctuation, that were running monologues guised as an introduction.
"i want to take you out and show you what a great date i can be and treat you like a queen and go to dinner and have the best time ever because you are a beautiful girl and i know you will like me and i will like you and we will be happy on our date. . . ." You get the picture. It was frustrating to read, but who am to be dusgrammatòfòbic and not give someone who may be a great person with bad grammar a chance.
Since they all looked pretty much like the message above, part of me wanted to meet this man that had no regard for the English language. I send him an email agreeing to meet and have dinner as he has requested. He immediately emailed me back. He wanted to make sure I knew that he was going to take me
on the greatest date ever and that I was going to have the time of my life.
I live by the motto - "Don’t threaten me with a good time.” Since this gentleman
was seemingly doing just that, who would want to turn down the best date they
ever had in their life. Not me! It's been a tough go with the first 9 dates and well, maybe 10 is a magic number.
I proceeded to give him my phone number so he can text me. This
began the texting leading up to the date. In the beginning he would text in the morning to ask
how my day was.Sweet.
He would text on a Friday to see how my weekend
was. That’s lovely.
He text me to ask
how my Thanksgiving was. All very nice.
As the date drew nearer, the texts were
more often and sometimes rambling. A few were confirming I still wanted to go on the date with him. Where should we go? What time? All normal texting back and forth between two
people setting up an evening out.
this time he had called twice and both times I was either driving or in the
middle of work. I hadn’t really gotten to talk to him either time because I wasn’t well
equipped to talk, but he didn’t seem to mind. To be polite I
answered a few questions, talked briefly and then reminded him that I was at
work, driving or working heavy machinery and I should probably focus on what I was doing.
A few days before the date was when the text messages
started getting odd. He asked what I did at night. (I think that some of these guys must think I am a hooker. Not sure if that's what they are looking or or not).
I explained to him that I bar tend at night. This resulted in a eight bubble long stream of text messages from him about how he
always ends up with bartenders and how much he likes his martinis. Hmmm.Some people overshare. Maybe he's an avid typist. . .I text that I will call him
Shortly there after he texts again about how he’s excited about the date. I think I sent I
was too with a smiley face.The following day the daily
text has a concerned tone. He’s ready to meet; am I still sure I still want to. He tells me it's cool
if I don’t want to, but can I call him to talk about it.I call him and re assure him that I am still willing to meet. He suggests we meet in
Sayreville, which according to him, is halfway between Morristown and where he
is from. Visiting Sayreville is not in my plan this week. I suggest Jersey
City. He says why not the Grasshopper in Morristown.Odd that he chose this as our place for the date of a lifetime, but he explains that his buddies had been there before and
recommended it for the Irish food. I agree that it is a great spot and we
have decided to meet at 7:30 on a Monday night.
I get a text from him at 7:15 asking if I am at the Hopper yet. I send back that I am “nearly” there.I arrive at 7:26pm and park my car in the lot next to the
restaurant.I end up having to park at a meter and
realize I have no quarters. Not only am I quarter less but the meter will run till 12pm and it's not even 8. Faaaa.
I shove some dimes
in the damn machine and make a mental note that I will have to get quarters at
the bar soonish. I have a eureka. If this all goes to shit,
I can say I forgot to put quarters in my meter and bolt. OK, emergency parachute ready. I haven’t
arranged for an emergency call tonight but feel since the Hopper has always
been my extended living room, I should be able to get out of any not so great
situation pretty easily. I gather myself and focus on the possibility that this could be the best date of my life, take a deep breath, and head towards the restaurant.
I enter the front door and I
immediately see my date at the bar. He is a good looking man. He has black hair
with a bit of salt and pepper hi light. He has great steel blue eyes.He stands a little bit taller than I am in my
heels and is dressed in nice jeans, a buttondown, leather jacket and
scarf.He looks incredibly inviting and
smiles warmly at me.I felt a bit more
relaxed by the warm reception.He says,
“Chris?,” and I greet him with a "hello".
Here’s where I make the first mistake.
I see he has a beer sitting on the bar. I tell him to hang at the bar for a minute while I get some quarters from the bartender and go out and put
them in my meter. I let him know that all the meters are till 12am (in case he
didn’t know), and ask him if he needs any quarters for his car. He tells me he's not going to bother, so I proceed to tell him I will be right back.
Now, any reasonable person knowing what I know NOW would have just left. I am the unsuspecting victim in this.
I put two quarters in the meter only to find out that it's eaten the first and is specific meter is only a 30 minute meter. I should have stopped what I was doing and just got in my car and left when it only allowed for 30 minutes. It was a sign from the universe. Did I acknowledge it? NOPE. I move the car to a meter where they are till midnight. I foolishly feed the meter till midnight and hope for the best. He's cordial, nice looking and smiles a whole lot. This could go well!
When I return to the bar he magically has produced a flower in a plastic wrapping. He hands it to me and tells me he "wanted to see me first to see if I was worth it."
"Glad I made the cut?" I think to myself as I try to maintain a smile. I thank him and tell him it was a lovely gesture. I ask if he wants to sit upstairs where we can hear each other better. He agrees and we make small talk while we are waiting to be seated. He is complimentary and keeps telling me I look better than my pictures. I say thank you each time, feeling no less embarrassed.
Immediately when we sit down he starts in with one of what will be the three key phrases this evening.
1. "I didn't know what to make of you."
2. "Ask me anything, I am the most honest person you will ever meet."
3. "So we are going to go out again, right?"
Keep these in mind, like when you watch Pulp Fiction knowing that each scene either has food, religion or bathrooms. Pepper this through the following coverage of the conversation roughly every eight minutes, or till you want to scream. Then you will really feel how painful this was.
What? You never heard this theory before?
**If you are hard up for a parlor game this weekend, you can turn this into a drinking game. Every time I reference phrase 1, 2 or 3, you get to drink. . . I hope you have no where to be.**
Hey man, we got a new game! Bring your 'puter!
We sit down and the waitress comes to get our drink order. He orders a vodka martini and I get a glass of Pinot Grigio. (2) I ask him to tell me about his work. (2) He tells me he has been in construction for some time and he enjoys it. (1) He tells me that he wasn't sure what I was going to be like from my pictures because they were all different. (1) He wasn't sure if I was really who I was in my profile. (1) He asks me how I think the date is going. (1)(2)
I feel like I am on a date with Joe Gorga. He has a thick Hudson county accent and all the hallmarks of the Vinnie Gombatz that I have successfully evaded all these years. Yet here I sit. Lucky me.
"When I was 20 I would have made my way through this whole bar to get with you"
During our conversation he has been perched on the edge of his seat and it makes me a bit nervous. At points when he talks I wonder if he is going to leap right off the seat and tackle me. (2) He keeps asking me to ask him questions. I go through all the usual: Where did you go to school? Have you always lived in NJ? What do you enjoy most about your job? What do you do with your spare time? What hobbies do you have? Where do you enjoy vacationing? (2) The list goes on and on and I am running out of questions. With each pause in the conversation he asks if I am having a good time, if I am what he hoped for and (3). I feel like I should throw in a different answer other than "yes" just to mix it up and see if he's paying attention.
He now tells me that he wants to know everything about me.
"Tell me about yourself because. . . "(1) he would really like to take me out again if I meet his expectations. He asks if I have ever been married (1). I tell him "they keep asking, I keep saying no" to be funny. He seems to get a bit upset. He wants to know if I am dating anyone and what is wrong with me that no one else is if I am not, in fact, dating someone else. (3) REALLY? Can't I ask the same of him?
I explain I have just gotten back into the dating thing recently and yes, I am dating, but there is not one person that I am involved with. I am just seeing what is out there and how it goes.
This does not seem acceptable to him. He doesn't like girls that date around and that is not what he is looking for. I explain that I am happy dating and if he doesn't like it, I guess I'm not the girl for him. Hoping that this comment will wrap up the date, I begin to look for the waitress to bring the check. She comes by and he orders another martini and me another glass of wine. Dang! He was unfazed by the comment AND I am still here.
He now starts in with what will now be the fourth running theme of the date: "If we were together."
If we were together and:
- I wanted to get married
- I wanted to have kids
- I wanted to go salsa dancing
- I was being hit on by another man
- he was approached by another woman
- I wasn't sure what squash to buy
And the list goes on.
I think that he covered each and every scenario where we could be dating on a Tuesday afternoon or through a life altering event. He also has an answer as to what he would do in each and every scenario. In turn, he asks what I would do. This is bizarre. I am just at a loss for responses and this doesn't make him happy. I explain to him that I'm a "fly by the seat of my pants" sort of girl, and I don't make long running expectations or commitments sometimes because life always has a way of changing things and laughing at us.
He is still baffled by this.
"So if we were together a year from now, and I wanted to have a kid with you, (I'd give you a kid, he says) you don't know if that is something that you want to do?" he asks.
I reply the same answer that I tell EVERYONE.
"I have never thought long and hard about kids because I don't think you go into a Benz dealership with $5 in your pocket," I reply.
"It's great to dream big but when you are grounded in reality, you see things for what they are. Applying the same principal; I have not yet been with a person that I would want to have a child with and therefore I have not thought about having kids."
What I really want to close with is - "And if you think that we would ever have a kid together your ludacris," but I refrain.
Bada-bing, bada-boom
He then states that if I'm not sure about having a kid "at my age, you might as well give up on the idea all together."
"What?" he replies. "You're gonna wanna be chasing a 15 year old at 50? Even if we got together and had a kid within the next year it still doesn't make any sense."
I had her just last month.
I am now livid. I am trying my best to not appear as angry as I am. I'm charming, I'm charming, I'm charming, I keep repeating to myself. It's very difficult, however, to live this mantra when I think that this is the most insane thing I have ever heard.
Yep ladies, if you are over 30 you should just pack up your reproductive organs and call it quits. Clearly this man knows everything and according to him we will be too busted in the next 15 years to chase your little ones so just forget having a kid and get a fish instead.
Yeah, don't even bother.
I have to take a moment. I know I said I may not want to have a family but I have a great disdain for those who tell me how I should live. Between the aggressive questioning, the bizarre situational "what if's" and now the baby bashing talk I've nearly had it. I want this date to be over.
He is unfazed entirely. He has not registered my demeanor chaninging or perhaps he doesn't even care. I now begin to pull out my phone to look at the time. I rub my eyes and yawn a bit. He orders a 3rd martini. JESUS! I just wanna go!
I tell him that it is a work night, nearly 10pm and I turn into a pumpkin if I am not home by 10:30. I am trying my best to just get the hell out of this seat. He keeps asking me if we will go out again.(2) He's asking for dates of when I am free and wants to take me to NYC and salsa dancing. Super, great, wonderful. Can the waitress please bring the fucking check! It's the end of the night and I think she can feel me burning holes in the back of her shirt. The waitress comes over and politely drops off the check.
I offer to pay for my portion of the meal and he says he has it. I offer to leave the tip. He says not to worry about this. I can pay for the trip to NYC. Yeah buddy. You betcha.
I think I am in the clear because we are now getting up from the table and making progress towards the front door. He walks me out the door and makes me promise for the umpteenth time that I will go on a second date with him. I would have sworn to ANYTHING at that point just to go home.
He then attempts to kiss me. I give him the cheek.
This upsets him yet again.
"I can't get a kiss goodnight?" he asks, shocked.
There is a better chance of me waking up tomorrow a large, gay, black man.
I tell him I am old fashioned and besides, I have to give him something to look forward to with the next date. He doesn't let it go and brings up conversations (1) and (2) and then tells me he is holding me to a second date. He wants me to re assure him, yet again that I have had a good time, I like him and we're going on a second date; so I do. I thank him for a lovely night out and head to my car.
I get home and shortly there after a hailstorm of texts rain down on me.
For anyone who thinks I am being picky or too cranky, choosy, whatever. Here are the messages received post apocalyptic date:
My reply to this text message massacre was "I am sleeping," which I was.
Later in the day, I sent him a text saying that I had a great date, and thought he was a great guy but I just didn't' think that we were compatible. (Thank you Meaghan S for the suggestion.) I wished him the best of luck in his search to find someone that would be wonderful to him. Warm regards, C
The text I got back asked me what was not compatible about our personalities. He also wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to tell anyone so his reputation would remain intact. I just made like I never saw the message and deleted it. I'll be avoiding Hudson county for some time now.