I had always said that I thought it would be fun to do a dating blog . . .I have had such unique dating experiences, I thought perhaps recording them would be a good way to learn more about myself and document all the fun/not so fun experiences I had with each new potential partner. Plus, the idea of fancying myself the Candace Bushnell of the 2000s did appeal to my ego :) I had always been regarded as the "Samantha" of the group so who better to "take one for the team" than me with this odd adventure!
I had intended to start this blog over the "2012 - Summer of Not Suck" (as we were referring to this past summer; well most of it) when my single-hood was running full tilt. The girlfriends and I were having a blast, I was loving life and we all thought it would be a great point for me to start thinking about dating again. It had been nearly three years since I had a "serious" boyfriend and well, why not! My one bestie Kristina thought is was a great idea and everyone else thought I was just the nuts enough candidate to do this date and blogging thing. So, with their love and support I got myself a online dating site page, put up a profile and put my lure in the water on Plenty of Fish.
Alas, no sooner did I do this, I unsuspectedly met someone and that was the end of the dating blog idea. . . well, for a few weeks. He and I ended up having had a hot and heavy "drive by" relationship that ended abruptly and then I spent Labor Day weekend, knee deep in bottles of Pinot Grigio, Stoli, tissues and sappy girly movies wondering WTF happened?
When you are trying to get over your last relationship that left you wondering about yourself, life and "how the hell do I pick these people?", you find yourself trying new approaches and ways to find answers to the age old question: is there really someone out there for me. I know I am at a place where I would be a good candidate for a relationship. . . why am I not meeting the other half that is?
If you are me you look at life like this: everything comes down to gathering as much information as you can about a situation, making determinations and then proceeding with a plan based upon your research and determinations. It is what has made me successful in business and I figured, hey why not apply it to my personal life.
So now it was time to get out there and doing this "field research" if you will.
I am committing myself to truly getting out there and going on 30 dates. I don't think that I am looking for a partner per se, but am quietly hoping that the law of averages works in my favor. I had intended on doing the whole project in 30 days, but felt that it would turn into more of a job than a fun endeavor and how could I be my wonderful, charming self if I was suffering dating fatigue?
I also thought that if I committed to blogging about this adventure, it would give me another important part of research. How did I really feel about this person when I met them, what were the qualities that I liked in them, what about our dates did I like and how did I know if there was chemistry. I had also resigned that, at worst, the whole thing would be a bust and we could all laugh at my expense for pretty much. . ..forever.
Now let me preface this by saying. . .The intent of this is not to humiliate anyone (well, potentially other than me). This blog is merely to put together a running history of my dating adventure. My friend Dave (THANKS DAVE) came up with the 30 Knights name and this gave me a great way to protect the anonymity of those I went out with. Some would know that this was an adventure for me, however, most would have no idea. I put together a criteria for the dates, who I would go out with and certain rules I would have to abide by. So. . . with that said, stay tuned for the first of the 30 dates!
I'm so excited!!!!!!