So Veterans weekend was spent dating a number of men recently out of any number of divisions of the armed services. I figure what better way to say "Thank You" to men that served this country, than to offer myself as a potential dating partner.
Wait. That sounds odd. Yep, that sounds, em, cheap and easy . . .and we all know I'm not cheap.
Through my online dating site, I had received an email from a man that recently out of the Coast Guard and new to town. He was getting settled in and was aspiring to get out and meet some of the locals, either for friendship or dating, when he had a few minutes between work and school. He asked if I was interested in meeting up to see if there was any dating or friendship potential.
I like the "no pressure" dating where you feel like perhaps if there was no chemistry, there could still be a friendship. However, I feel like that never happens. . .but I guess there is a first time for everything?
His pictures were few. There were a couple with friends (always good) and in uniform (we know I love a man in uniform), and his solo pictures portrayed an average guy: brown hair and brown eyes with boyish smile. His profile said 5'10 (but so does everyone else's I am finding), never married, no kids and he worked in finance. I don't recall his profile talking about much beyond his job and interests in biking and hiking, but I need more excitement in my life like the Octomom needs another kid.
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Why not try for a bakers dozen? |
We decided a la text, (because no one really ever calls before the first date, it seems) that we were going to meet for a cup of coffee in Morristown. We landed on Smartworld. I think I picked this because I could sit in the window and keep watch, and if he didn't remotely match the pictures, as some of the other dates have, I could quickly exit wrapped in my hat and scarf hiding behind a giant cup and no one would be the wiser.
He text me the week of the date and mentioned he had recently been working late and that he would try his best to meet me on time around 6:30pm, and would let me know if he was running late. I thanked him for the heads up, and told him I was looking forward to our date.
I arrived at Smartworld at roughly 6:20pm. I had no idea what parking, traffic or just the daily hub-bub of Morristown might have been on this evening so I wanted to allocate enough time to do it all; primp to look put together, and then scope out my seat a in the window. No sooner did I arrive but I got a text stating that my Knight would running late. I let him know that I was there, to not rush, and just get there safely.
I decided it had been ages since I had a cup of hot cocoa, so to warm up on this frosty night I thought this might be the best bet. I got a small hot cocoa with whipped cream and chocolate chips and sat back down in the window looking around for the mystery man. As soon as he walked up, I realized it was the same man from the picture. OK this was starting off well. He came in, took a quick glance around and immediately noticed me. He waved hello and came over to shake my hand.
Can I just stop for a second to convey that it is always interesting to me how I am going to be greeted. I have gotten everything from a kiss on the cheek hello, to a pound. Yes, a pound hello. That's a later Knight.
He asked if I needed anything, and I mentioned that I had a hankering for a hot chocolate to warm up from the cold, so I had already gotten a drink. He looked at me strangely.
"A hot chocolate? Really?," he replied.
"Umm, yeah" I said.
I was now feeling strange that I was now self conscious of my chocolate delight.
"I don't drink coffee," I mentioned.
"And I'm afraid I'll be wired for sound if I have an espresso at this hour."
I was now over-compensating for my tasty drink. Way to be awkward Chris.
He said he was going to grab a cup of coffee and be right back. I sat down, totally self conscious of my hot chocolate. I DEFINITELY wasn't going to tell him that I had asked for whipped creme and chocolate chips. Can't have this man thinking I'm a 13 year old trapped in the body of a 34 year old woman.
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I guess he won't want to hear about my Hannah Montana Club membership either? |
He mentioned that he was also near completing his MBA and he had virtually no time for anything for pretty much two years.
Hmmmm. I'm a busy person. He's a busy person. This might be a tough one.
I asked about his MBA program, what led him to want to pursue an MBA and what he had hoped for professionally now that he was ascertaining this degree. He talked about school, the classes he enjoyed and the hours of work that would be rewarded with more job opportunity and advancement. He mentioned a NUMBER of times the lack of time he had for his own personal pursuits because of work and school. Not looking good for integrating someone to date I thought.
He was cordial and asked about my education, why I had chosen my professional career and about my various businesses. He was very interested in hearing about my work, how I had started my companies and my qualifications to do the work that I was doing presently. I enjoyed that he was so engaged with my professional career, but I was hoping for a date, not a networking session.
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What do you mean this is a date and not a networking event? |
I was about to try segue the conversation to more personal pursuits when the barrista announced that the coffee place was closing. WHAT? How could this be! I looked at the sign on the door and sure enough, they were a closing. What now? It was kind of cold to be wandering around, and I didn't have a plan B for this date. Why universe do you always have to throw me a curve ball? I wasn't loving this guy, but I hadn't banked on a 25 minute date. Maybe I was missing something with him if we wrapped up the date now. Hmmm. What to do.
He looked at me and mentioned that he had some studying to do later on in the evening but didn't want to wrap up our talking yet. I then uttered words I didn't think I would ever say on a cold night.
"Why don't we have a wander?"
As soon as I said it I was now talking to myself in my head.
"Are you out of your mind. It's cold out. You hate the cold. Why would you offer to wander around on a cold windy night. Do you think at all?"
Even he looked a bit shocked that I suggested it, but well, it was the only idea that we had come up with. I didn't want to commit to a dinner or drink, and according to all accounts he didn't have time for either and that was why we were meeting for coffee, so walk it was.
We began walking and I took this opportunity to change the conversation to get to know more about the non-professional side of his life. I asked about hobbies. He told me he didn't really have any with all the time he had devoted to school and work. OK. I've been down this road before. . .
I asked him about where had had come from since he mentioned in his profile that he was new to the area. He was originally from the Mid-West, had joined the Coast Guard with a friend for a fresh start and pretty much hated every minute he spent based in Staten Island while with the Coast Guard. We exchanged jokes about Staten Island and did our impressions of accents there, and had a good laugh.
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Ju gotta problem wit Staten Island? |
At this point I noticed that we were not really having a wander or a stroll, but rather speed walking. We had made it from Smartworld to the Green in at time that would impress the Jamaican Olympic Running Team. I felt like perhaps this wasn't really working out. It was like a race to ask the next question and see if we could answer it while sprinting around the Green. My face was freezing, my feet hurt and I was not feeling it at all with this dude. The over arching sentiment was that he had no time, was going to have no time till Graduation four months from now, and then potentially wouldn't have any time after that because he would be transitioning to another job, that demanded more time.
I get it.
After we finished our 2K in record time we were back where we started, at Smartworld, colder, sweaty, and I was relieved that I could claim close proximity to my car to bail.
"Well," he said.
"Well," I said.
**Awkward moment**
"I'm parked just around the block so I guess this is a good place for me to head back to my car," I began my exit speech.
"Yeah, I have a lot of work to do and studying," he replied.
"Well, I had a nice time wandering around the Green and talking to you," I said, sounding like I was reading it from some script on how to put the kabash on your date.
"We should do it again some time," he responded equally uninterested in ever doing this again.
"Have a great night," I said as I hugged him goodbye.
"It was nice meeting you," as he gave me the pat on the back while hugging thing.
We both walked our separate ways knowing that was the one and only 2K we would ever be doing together.