This date was initially going to be called the Persistent Knight, but I think he is being de-throned as I write.
As soon as I got the on-line dating page resurrected this gentleman started emailing. He was pleasant in his email but the messages seemed a bit canned. If you have never done the online dating thing, here's a little secret. . .Some dudes treat their dating profile introduction like the introduction to their insurance agency. You get a form letter. What I find to be hysterical is when I get the same form letter twice. The kick in the ass is that you can see what you have written in all your message chains back and forth. Stunning.
I am fairly certain I got at least one and half canned letters from this gentleman, so I wasn't really keen on meeting him. Also, something about his profile made me ignore the initial requests. I can't recall at the time but I just was not totally into meeting this guy. Apparently though, he was totally into meeting me. He continued to email me asking me if I had any time to get together, how my work was going and would kind of check in and say hi periodically. I liked his persistence. It wasn't creepy, it was determination to get me to say OK, so I did. I like persistence.
We had agreed to meet the first time I think the night that Hurricane Sandy hit. I had cancelled in anticipation of the storm and he was already asking for the rain date.
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Donate to Sandy |
From the get go he had wanted to meet at Bensi. I agreed, having been there once. He had sent on the address for the initial meeting, which was now some time ago and buried in my text messages and that's where things started to go wrong. Now anyone who knows me, knows I was destined to be a CEO. "Just give me the 30 thousand foot view." I like the big picture and glaze over details like a doughnut. He had sent the address ages ago, I had glanced at it, saw the highway it was on and though "Oh, I know where that is", and then never looked at it again.
I set out the evening of our date due to be at Bensi at 8. It wasn't Blue Ribbon, but I was amped to go none the less. It's like when you are standing on the side of the boat getting ready to go diving. You know it's gonna be an adventure you just aren't sure if you are going to get out of the water relaxed and at peace or screaming and terrified.
I pulled into the parking lot at roughly 7:58pm and there were just a few cars. Something just felt off. "Was this the right place?"I thought to myself. For whatever reason, NOW, I decide to jog back through the text messages to see what the address was. Yep, as I had suspected he was headed about 5 minutes down the road to the OTHER Bensi. Awesome.
I called him and sheepishly confessed that I hadn't checked the address and I was at the wrong place. He was flabbergasted. He kept asking "Didn't I send you the address?" I kept repeating that I had received it but had gotten my wires crossed and he was beyond vexed as to how this could have happened. I offered to come to where he was if he was willing to wait just a few minutes more. He kept asking if I had put it in my GPS. I kept explaining I didn't have a GPS. (Generally I like to drive with the Force. No GPS crap. I just FEEL like we should go the way we are going.)
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Good enough for Obi-Wan Yoda and Gary Coleman is good enough for me |
Kindly, he offered to come to where I was and to look for him in a few minutes. I sat down at the bar, ordered myself a drink and commenced with waiting. I am not usually a fruity drink girl, but seeing as I didn't think that this date was going to last long from the jump, I figured again, what the hell, I might as well have a buzz on while I wait. I ordered a clementine flavored cosmo and truth be told, it was quite tasty. Shortly there after in walks our Knight.
To give you some background on my hesitation with my Pisan Knight - I am Italian. I can hide it about as much as I can hide my love of the daily Ross and Simons emails I get. I knew at some point during this dating adventure I was going to run into a fellow full blooded Italian man. Being from the Northern New Jersey area not running into an Italian guy in a pool of 30 was pretty much like like going surfing and not getting wet. I don't have anything against Italian men. Don't get me wrong. I just find that the ones in their 40s who have never been married and still live with their mothers are well, not my ideal candidates. In my experience, I have found that this group are fastidious, regimented and kind of old world in their thinking. They believe women still belong in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, men need to do men things and flex their machismo, among other depressing dogmas that cause a staunch feminist like me to feel a bit itchy every time I have to keep their company. I thought perhaps maybe by the good grace of the universe, I would dodge the Pisan bullet and get a "modern" Italian man.
To give you some background on my hesitation with my Pisan Knight - I am Italian. I can hide it about as much as I can hide my love of the daily Ross and Simons emails I get. I knew at some point during this dating adventure I was going to run into a fellow full blooded Italian man. Being from the Northern New Jersey area not running into an Italian guy in a pool of 30 was pretty much like like going surfing and not getting wet. I don't have anything against Italian men. Don't get me wrong. I just find that the ones in their 40s who have never been married and still live with their mothers are well, not my ideal candidates. In my experience, I have found that this group are fastidious, regimented and kind of old world in their thinking. They believe women still belong in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, men need to do men things and flex their machismo, among other depressing dogmas that cause a staunch feminist like me to feel a bit itchy every time I have to keep their company. I thought perhaps maybe by the good grace of the universe, I would dodge the Pisan bullet and get a "modern" Italian man.
He was about 5’8, full head of
dark hair and very Italian looking. His
profile said 42 and looked like he was into working out and skin care
products. He was clean shaven and dressed
in a purple button down shirt and jeans. Upon realizing who I was he immediately started in with “I had a number of jokes I was going to use with you about not being able to get to the right place,” and I wanted to
bolt out the door speaking in tongues assuring he would never call again. It’s
like bartending and getting the guy who thinks he’s hysterical and you are his
private audience. Unless you’re Eddie Murphy it’s pretty fucking painful. I felt badly about the mistake and his idea of humor was being lost on me.
I suppressed the urge to run and told myself I have a blog to
write and I really need to commit to make this work. I am close to having my
first sit down dinner since this whole dating blog started and it’s 8pm and I
am starving. We agree to move from the bar to the restaurant so I close out my
tab and grab my martini. We sit down and immediately he brings the conversation
back to the fact that I was at the wrong place. I now try a different
tactic. I tell him how grateful I am
that he was the one who fixed the problem. I hope that this will get us past
this or I am ordering the check. This seems to work, he backs off and he and
I look at the menus to figure out what we are going to eat. He tells me
that he is very health conscious and will be getting his usual grilled chicken
and salad. Shit. I can’t be a total
heathen and order a full entree with this guy. I think I said “Oh cool,” and
starting perusing the appetizers. The waiter comes over and asks if we need anything
to drink. I tell him I am just looking for a water back for my martini and my
date orders a Appletini. Now maybe I am
strange but I don’t usually see guys ordering Appletinis. Discuss.
He starts the conversation with “So how’s the dating website
working out for you?” I look at him and respond dryly, “If it was going so well
would I be here?” I figure he’s either going to be offended or laugh this comment off. If he’s offended,
game over, I am out of here. If he laughs it off, I’ll stay. He ends up laughing it off and I figure we
are going to continue the conversation. Now begins the interrogation. Am I
originally from New Jersey? Where are my parents from in Italy? What do I think of online dating? Is my hair naturally blond? What sort of
business am I involved in? Do I work out? And a laundry list of about three
dozen other questions rained down on me for the next 15 minutes that made me
feel like all was missing was spotlight and someone asking me where I was on
the night in question. He at one point HE even said, “I am asking a lot of
questions. This is turning into an interview,” and again more serious than
joking responded, “yep, sort of.”
I try to dodge the battery of questions by asking him what
his hobbies are and what he is passionate about. He tells me he is into trading
stocks, options specifically. I begin to ask him about this topic because I know as
much about stocks as I do the square root of phi. At first this seems like it is resuscitating
the conversation. He becomes animated and starts telling me about naked buys
and sells and despite the fact that I have only had 2 sips of my martini, my
head is swimming trying to keep up with all the phrases and terms that
he is using. When dinner arrives, my
fried calamari and his clams, (last minute decision to grow a pair I guess and
not get a salad?) I am relieved. Perhaps now this will change the course of the
conversation again. Wishful thinking. He now takes this opportunity to start in
with “OK, here are some Series 7 questions" . . . and begins quizzing me on
the material he has just covered.
Fortunately for me, I am getting the questions right but have no idea why or
how. . . but this is getting seriously old. I feel like I am on a date with my
college professor trying to get extra credit points. I try to shift the
conversation yet again. . .
He mentioned he liked music so I begin to ask him about what type of music he plays/likes. We have what turns out to be a decent conversation about music, that then segues a conversation about cars. He explains to me that there are girl and boy cars and of course I have a Jetta because it is a girl car. This is all very interesting coming from a man drinking an Appletini. Periodically he stops his diatribe about who-knows-what to attempt to force feed me calamari and clams. I had never been browbeaten into eating appetizers, but tonight seems to be a night of firsts, why not.
He mentioned he liked music so I begin to ask him about what type of music he plays/likes. We have what turns out to be a decent conversation about music, that then segues a conversation about cars. He explains to me that there are girl and boy cars and of course I have a Jetta because it is a girl car. This is all very interesting coming from a man drinking an Appletini. Periodically he stops his diatribe about who-knows-what to attempt to force feed me calamari and clams. I had never been browbeaten into eating appetizers, but tonight seems to be a night of firsts, why not.
I need to get off this crazy train I am calling a date and
get on with my getting home. I’m stuffed to the gills, my head is still
swimming and now my date who has had ¼ of his drink is telling me he feels
“tipsy”. I have never been more happy to
see waiters breaking down a restaurant in my whole entire life. I see our waiter
come over and I immediately start with “I don’t want to keep you here any later
than you need to be here. I’m in the biz and I feel terrible we are the last
table holding you up. Please bring us a check whenever you are ready” I find
that this approach, in its altruism, masks the disdain I have for sitting one
more minute with this man. He agrees it is getting late (It’s 10pm) and he
should probably be getting home too. He
walks me out to my car. I thank him for a lovely evening and he asks if we can
go out again another time. I tell him that the rest of the month with the
holidays and what not are going to be a challenge for me but I will do the best
I can to get back to him in a timely manner. I get in my car and drive away
giggling. Well at least I know I might be able to pass the Series 7 Exam now!
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